+1 - KF-BikiniAtoll KF-BlackMesa KF-DooM_2_MAP01 KF-Edge_Of_Reality KF-FirstWorldBankV2 KF-Helltower_V1 KF-HorzineArenaRMEdition KF-KillingPool (add +1 to difficulty, very easy map) KF-Mario_64_Remastered KF-MiddleOfNowhere KF-NewGasStationFinalV2 KF-Nigh. Killing Floor 2 Custom Map Server Trailer KF.NOOBIENT.COM Survival Mode in this game has two subcategories: Holdout-Style and Objective-Style. Killing Floor 2 GUNSLINGER BUFFS! - Ainsley Harriott's Kitchen! (1858. Killing Floor 2 originally launched in Early Access with only three maps, but more were freely added in future updates, some of which were created by community members before being selected to become official. You can direclty delete the Cache folder if you want to get rid of them. Showing 1 - 10 of 10 comments Wolfen 4:08pm C:\Users\Your User\Documents\My Games\KillingFloor2\KFGame\Cache. Tell you what, it'd be a GREAT map, but it's ruined by 2 things: music is annoying, yeah you can tune it down, but that tunes down all effect sounds, which I do want to hear you get stuck way too many. where do custom maps save I've noticed the cache files in my documents are 228 mb and I don't really want to waste room on my C drive on maps. +1 - Pathfinder played it, laughed my ass off lol. Killing Floor 2 BEST CUSTOM MAP BY FAR! - 40min Of Cucumber! After playing on other level parks maps, I was unable to kill anything due to players spamming with nades and rockets. Videos in this thread: Watch Playlist ▶ VIDEO