First person peripheral-the story is told from the “I” perspective, but the “I” is not the protagonist, but someone adjacent to the protagonist.First person-the story is told from the “I” perspective, and that “I” is the protagonist.There are four POVs that authors work with: Maybe you’re stuck starting your story because you’re trying to write it in the wrong person. Point of view refers to the “cameraman” of the story-the vantage point we are viewing the story through. Fiction Writing Tip: Play With Narrative Point of View Tell us where the conflict is happening, and the story will follow. Consider starting the story with what makes your world live: a pulsing city, the whispered susurrus of orchards, hills that roil with unsolved mysteries, etc. In the same way that we read to get inside the heads of other people, we also read to escape to a world outside of our own. Whether your story is set on Earth or a land far, far away, your setting lives in the same way your characters do. Fiction Writing Tip: Give Life to Living Worlds
This guide on character development will help you sort out the traits your characters need, and how to interweave those traits into the story. These include writing backstory, giving characters goals and fatal flaws, and making your characters contend with complicated themes and ideas. There are many ways to craft characters with depth and complexity. Sometimes, your story needs to start there: in the middle of a conversation, a disrupted routine, or simply with what makes your characters special. The conflicts that occur within stories happen to its characters-there can be no story without its people. Think far back to 9th grade English, and you might remember the basic types of story conflicts: man vs. Let the conflict unfold naturally in the story, but start with the story’s impetus, then go from there. In Harry Potter, Voldemort isn’t introduced as the main antagonist until later in the first book the series’ conflict begins with the Dursley family hiding Harry from his magical talents. That’s not to say you have to be explicit about the conflict. Some novels take their time to introduce characters or explain the world of the piece, but if the conflict that drives the story doesn’t show up within the first 15 pages, then the story loses direction quickly. If you don’t know where to start your story, but you have a few story ideas, then start with the conflict.
Plot is the series of causes and effects that produce the story as a whole. Fiction Writing Tip: Developing Fictional Plots We’ll get into the relationship between these elements later, but for now, let’s explore how to use each element to write fiction.

You can’t build the setting without writing it through a certain point of view you can’t develop important themes with arbitrary characters, etc. It’s important to recognize that all of these elements are intertwined.